Gynecomastia is an anomaly found in men which consists in having a more or less developed chest.

This anomaly, which seems to occur more and more often, is often a source of great complexity and discomfort.

Unfortunately, the disease responds poorly to medical treatment once it has set in, and surgery is often the only solution to be considered.

The best solution is still prevention in terms of the environment and food;

Meat dishes treated with hormones should be avoided at all costs. Excessive weight gain is a not uncommon cause, as are anabolic or muscle-building products used without medical advice. Finally, drinks containing endocrine disruptors that are stored in plastic containing bisphenol also play a role. Reheating food in plastic containers in the microwave should be absolutely banned.


Gynecomastia can be treated in a number of ways, depending on the extent and type of the problem. A physical examination by your specialist and a simple complementary examination (ultrasound) will help to find the most appropriate solution to the problem presented.

If the problem is strictly fatty, the solution is fairly simple and consists of liposuction of the area. Beware of residual excess skin when liposuction is too aggressive, but this is rarely the case.

If the problem is strictly glandular, an incision should be made, as often as possible, in the fold below the breast (the submammary fold) so that the scar is less visible and the result is better.

Sometimes there is a real excess of skin and the breast is actually shaped like a woman’s breast. In this case, only a breast reduction or mastectomy should be proposed.

Whatever the procedure proposed, the result is very often appreciated and helps to restore important self-esteem. Sometimes, in agreement with the patient, a minimal solution may be proposed in order to avoid scarring and to solve one problem with another, but even in these situations, the benefit of an operation and the patient’s satisfaction are always worthwhile.