This aesthetic procedure on the upper and/or lower eyelids will rejuvenate your eyes. Blepharoplasty will permanently erase a crumpled appearance, drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes without any risk to your visual acuity.
the skin and muscle are excised to correct the tired appearance. Internal fat pockets are often reduced by taking care not to remove too much excess fat to avoid hollowing out, and therefore ageing, the eyes.
The skin is excised and the fat is re-draped to fill the hollow just below the eyelid. Your eyelid surgery will always be preceded by a thorough eye examination by a specialist if all four eyelids are operated on at the same time. More and more often, your surgeon will offer you lipofilling (fat grafting) of the lower eyelid so as not to hollow out the eyes but, conversely, to fill them out.
Your blepharoplasty can be performed on a one-day basis under local or general anaesthetic.
Every surgical procedure can involve risks and complications that the patient must accept; your plastic surgeon will make it his duty to reduce the rate of these by choosing the technique best suited to your medical situation. Complications such as haemorrhage, wound or prosthesis infections and poor healing, although relatively rare, can occur with any type of surgery. This document has been drawn up to supplement the information received during the consultations. This text is not exhaustive, and cannot replace a specialist consultation; it may answer certain questions or raise others. Each patient will receive full and detailed information, in line with their own medical status and the procedure of their choice.
For more information, please consider a consultation or visit the website of the official body of the Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery :
Your plastic surgeon creating natural beauty
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